Thursday, September 20, 2007

Getting off the pregnancy Pounds....

Hi all,

Well, Justin is now 7 1/2 months old. I have lost a total of 15.9 pounds since March 07. I am feeling pretty good about it, but now am on a mission to get off this next 20 to take me back to my pre-pregnancy weight....will check in weekly (i hope) on my status...


rae ann said...

good for you, al! you already look great so i can't wait to see you 20 lbs. lighter!

i've had a few "signs" this week that i need to get back on the WW wagon. i go back and forth between being happy with my curvy body and then really down in the dumps about it. i think i'm ready to reorganize this week and get to a WW meeting.

BandK said...

You GO girl!! Good for you. It is so hard to get those lbs. off. Heck, my youngest is nearly 20 years old and I STILL haven't gotten my pregnancy pounds off!! LOL

Next time you're in Chico, let's "do lunch!"