Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A small success

Well, here we are the week after Thanksgiving....we have all been sick this week..even me...and, I haven't weighed in for 3 week I was visiting Mom & Dad, the next week, dinner was in the oven and Todd had to work late, and last week, we left for Thanksgiving...needless to say - I was expecting to gain 1 or 2 pounds......but I actually lost .3

It isn't a whole lot, but at least I lost / maintained through the holiday and I haven't been journaling. Goal for this week will be to Journal, Journal, Journal. I also intend to plan our eating for next week, that always seems to keep me on track and it is easier to grocery shop too.

Total Loss to date this time: 24.4

1 comment:

BandK said...

Wow Alicia that's great!! Good for you. To have any sort of loss over Thanksgiving is terrific! Keep up the good work!