Friday, March 2, 2007

darn cookies

wow! karen and al, you guys are doing great!

al, i totally wondered about the extra "nursing points." i had a really hard time with those when we were on WW after we had the bean. it seemed like a lot and i rarely could eat them all. i had more points to consume than tom did at the time! that's great that your leader is open to letting you reduce the number- mine told me to eat an ice cream sandwich before i went to bed if i still had points left! that didn't make any sense to me at all.

karen... i love, love the TJ's list! we have a couple very close to us and ours have pretty reasonable prices. often they're better priced that the grocery stores that are close to us. i told tom i need him to print out a copy so that i can keep it with our WW resources and also tape one to the inside of the "snack cupboard." hopefully then it will be an easy reference for quantity and points.

i've been putting my sharpie pen to good use this week. i've managed to mark most of our snacky stuff and food that's in the fridge with it's point value. this has really helped us in the past so i'm counting on the method again.

i can't remember if i mentioned this, but tom was able to find our resources last week. we also found a stack of our old journals. that was really helpful. it's nice to go back and see what our meal plans were because it makes it so easy to have something to repeat when you just don't feel like taking the time to calculate everything.

i totally bombed this weekend. a girlfriend and i were at the beach and i just threw it all out the window. i don't think i did too bad, but i definitely could have eaten more homemade hummus and less banoffi. oh well.

this week was going really well until wednesday. we have our home church group here that evening every week and i realized it was our week to provide some kind of munchy. disaster ensued. the only thing i could think to whip together that i already had all of the ingredients for was chocolate chip oatmeal cookies (i think tom and i've figured these cookies to be about 5 points each). in the past, i would send all of the extra cookies home with people, but this time tom told me to keep some because he knew he could control himself. i should have sent those cookies off... apparently i have no self control. i've been eating 2-3 a day since wednesday. i'm throwing them out today.

for those of you who are using e-tools, are you happy with your membership? sometimes i think this would be easier- i could plug in recipes and such, right? and jim, are you still using this to calculate your daily points?

also, i was wondering if any of you wouldn't mind posting a days worth of journaling. it might be good to get some ideas.

1 comment:

BandK said...

Ok banoffi looks like something to DIE for . . . YUMMM!!

Yeah, I totally get the cookie thing. I'd be shoving them in my face if they were around my house! Yikes!

I really like the e-tools thing. It comes with my monthly WW fee, and I use it to get recipes, get point value for recipes I have, and track my points online. I also track my weight, and its cool to see it going down.

I'll see if I can reproduce my online journaling for a day so you can see an average day for me. My challenge is finding lunch places to go, since I love to lunch out. (Heck, I just like eating out PERIOD!). LOL

Hang in there -- you can do it!!!
